Many financial institutions consider multi-level marketing companies to be in a high-risk industry. This can lead to banks refusing to provide their services, often due to the perception that MLM companies will have higher-than-average chargeback rates.
With SeamlessChex, you don’t have to worry about being turned down because of the industry you work in. Instead, we specialize in serving high-risk businesses.
We make it easy to set up a multi-level marketing merchant account and avoid scrutiny from banks or processors. We have relationships with more than 25 banks, which allows us to provide a reliable merchant account that can help your business grow and scale.
Want to find out how we can help you establish a merchant account you can trust at a lower rate than you’re paying now? Schedule a free consultation with one of our payment experts today.
Why Choose SeamlessChex for Multi-Level Marketing Payment Processing?
When you open a multi-level marketing merchant account with SeamlessChex, you can trust that it will be affordable and efficient. It will also be safe. We use world-class security verification technology to process your payments quickly and cut down on chargebacks.
We view payment processing as a relationship. To support this relationship, our payment processing experts make themselves available around the clock to address any questions or concerns you might have. If your business is looking for a feature we don’t currently offer, we’ll do our best to find a solution that meets your needs.
Start Accepting Payments Today. Set Up Your SeamlessChex Multi-Level Marketing Merchant Account
If you’re ready to invest in a payment processing solution that actually works for you, contact us today. Opening an account is easy and fast, and you can start accepting payments securely in just minutes.
Ready to get started? Sign up today